Hula Hoop Workouts For Fitness and Weight Loss

Hula Hoop Workouts For Fitness and Weight Loss

Many people are wondering if it’s true that weighted hula hoops can actually help you lose weight or get in better shape?

For instance, is there really any truth to the idea of using a weighted hula hoop for getting six-pack abs? Let’s find out.

Did you know that doing exercise with Hula Hoop would burn off an excess of 500 calories in just half an hour?

Weighted Hula Hoop Workout Plan- Lose Weight with a Hula Hoop

1. Get some advice on the type of hoop you need for your weight loss goals. Some hoops are made of rigid material, while others are more flexible.

If you are looking to lose weight, a rigid hoop would be the best option because it will help build strength.

2. Get into a beginner level hula hooping workout routine. You could do this with a non-weighted hoop to get a feel for the motion before you start adding weight to your hoop.

Don’t rush yourself and try not to practice for more than twenty minutes.

3. As you get fitter, add weight to your hoop in the form of sanding bags or something similar. Some smaller children’s hoops can be weighted by adding water to them.

These are not recommended for people looking to lose weight or tone their waists; they are simply too small and flimsy for this.

4. Get a heavier hoop to increase the intensity of your workouts.

If you are not struggling to keep the hoop up, you need to make it harder for yourself by adding weight or making it bigger .

5. As you progress and become more advanced, choose the next size up of hoop; this will be even more challenging than the last hoop.

6. Try to move up a whole size (or more) at once if you feel like this; it will make the workout much more difficult but also faster, thus burning off even more calories.

There are numerous benefits of using weighted hula hoops to get in better shape, including muscle toning and weight loss.


The best size should be determined by height or weight. This may seem arbitrary, but this is not the case.

Before you even walk into a store to buy your hula hoop, it’s helpful to know what size will suit you best.

Even though you might feel tempted to buy a small sized hoop because it’s cute, it won’t be functional. It won’t help you burn any calories, nor will it fit the purpose of the hula hoop.


The answer is a resounding yes, as long as the hoop you’re using weighs around five to ten pounds.

That’s because a hula hoop for abs should be heavier than traditional hoops that weigh less than one pound.


There are different parts of the body that you target when using a weighted hoop. The most common area that hooping targets is your core.

You can also tone your arms, legs, and back when using a weighted hoop. It’s an overall workout so there are many more areas than just your core that get toned while doing proper hula hooping.


When you are in the center of the hoop, it is very hard to keep your balance because you are concentrating on keeping yourself in one spot.

As you start to move further away from the middle of the hoop, it becomes easier to stay balanced.

This makes your inner muscles develop faster than the outer muscles. This is also known as progressive overload.

When you first start hula hooping, it’s difficult to keep your balance causing you to work harder to maintain your stability which makes the core stronger.

As you continue, this will become easier and less work will be put into staying balanced so other areas of the core will start working harder.


The benefits of hula hooping can be different for everyone but there are some that most people experience.

Some of the many benefits to using a weighted hoop every day is increased flexibility, better balance, toning your abs, legs and arms, weight loss, and stress relief.

Weight loss is one of the most common benefits that people see when they start to use a weighted hoop every day.

When you are using your core muscles during hula hooping, you burn calories at an extremely fast rate!

This means in just 20 minutes of daily hula hooping you can easily burn up to 500 calories!

This is one of the reasons that hula hooping has been such a huge trend for the past few years.

Another very common benefit to using a weighted hoop for 20 minutes every day is better balance.

When you are learning to use a hoop, it takes work just to stay balanced in the center of the hoop.

As you start to practice and work your way up to the next level of your hooping journey, you will learn how to use your core muscles better. You strengthen these muscles by building them with a weighted hoop.

A final benefit that many people see when they start hula hooping is weight loss and/or muscle toning.

This will greatly depend on how many hoops you are using and if they are weighted or not. You will be more likely to tone your muscles when your hoop is weighted because the weight makes it more difficult to hooping in a circular motion.

The harder you work, the more toned you will become!


A great question to ask is how often you should be hula hooping. Many people are under the assumption that if they use a weighted hoop every day, they will gain an insane amount of toning in just a week’s time!

This is not true at all! To become properly toned with your weight hoop, you should be using it daily for at least 20 minutes. If you are looking to get super toned, try 30-60 minutes of hula hooping every day!

This may seem like a lot to start out with but after your body gets used to this amount of time, you will see the amazing results.


There are many different places that you can hula hoop. You can do it right at home in your living room, outside on the grass or sidewalk, inside a local park, at the gym, or even at your office!

The great thing about hula hooping is that most places are fair game unless you are near extremely expensive items.

For example, don’t hula hoop inside of a museum! However, most museums will allow you to hula hoop right outside the front doors.

Another great thing about hula hooping is that it can be done anywhere with ease! You can even do it while at work.

All you need is a quiet office and a door to close. You don’t need any equipment or special shoes. All you need is the will to hula hoop and your body!


Tuning up after having a baby and breastfeeding can be tough, but it doesn’t mean that you have to give up all of your hard work!

Hula hooping after having a baby is not only okay, but it’s actually good for you and your child. After birth, or even before pregnancy, weight loss can be extremely difficult.

This is because the body has been through so much and doesn’t feel like changing anything.

When you start hula hooping again, you are able to get your body back into shape because it feels safe and comfortable.

Hula hooping is very good for core muscles which will help with the production of milk.


Hula hooping after puberty can be tough too! However, it is much easier than after pregnancy because you’ve been through this before.

Many people say that they have “growth spurts” when they start puberty and that is why their hoop falls to the ground or gets slung around their hips.

This is a sign that your body has started growing again! It just takes a little while for your muscles to adjust to your new size.

If you are having difficulties after puberty, start doing beginner tricks until you can figure out how to keep the hoop around your waist again.


Hula hooping after an injury can be extremely difficult because you may feel afraid of re-injuring yourself or afraid that you will not able to hoop well again.

However, there are many steps to take when trying to re-injury yourself. First, always make sure your injury is healed enough for you to start hooping again!

Next, try a weighted hoop in order to make working out easier and more effective. If it is your first time hooping after an injury, start with just 5 minutes or less!

You want to rebuild muscle memory and hoop accuracy before you do more than this. This will ensure that you are not injured again while also working out all of the right muscles.


This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances.

It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!